OT: Spato-meter
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Sat May 12 14:48:54 UTC 2007
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "carolynwhite2" <carolynwhite2 at ...> wrote:
> Carolyn:
> Fond memories of that infamous late-night bar-room brawl in The Other
> Place with..? Do y'know, the guy's name has been completely
> obliterated from my mind. Perhaps he was a nonentity. Fancy that. But
> chairs were certainly hurled, moderators invoked.. sigh, that list
> used to be worth reading.
Slipped my mind too.... strange that, it's not all that often that I get called
a genocidal fascist. On site, that is; off-site, that's different.
> Howsomever, returning to the chase. On the theme of Macmillan's (?)
> apocryphal remark, 'events dear boy, events', in what circumstances
> do we think the MoM should engage with the muggle government(s) to
> defeat Voldemort? And should the muggles' care?
Have to think about that.
Could hatch a Radio TBAY-type thingy. Might work.
But for the moment there's another "Once more - with questions" post
nearing completion, possibly tomorrow or Monday.
> Carolyn
> ..wondering whether to start a re-read of the series, and trying
> quite hard to get excited about Book 7.
Yes, I know what you mean.
However, a good each-way bet for a surprise role in book 7 - Neville.
Hope to expand on that sometime soon, too.
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