FW: The Geist predicts again, mostly about Snape

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Thu May 31 13:47:25 UTC 2007

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Amanda Geist" <editor at ...> wrote:
> (13)  Snape will remain Snape and operate on his own terms to the end.
> Whatever he does to save Harry or the cause, whenever he does it, he will do
> it in his particularly nasty and cruel manner, without one shred of
> softening at all.  We will be denied any dewy-eyed scene of forgiveness.
> Snape cannot forgive himself for his past and for what he did to Dumbledore,
> and true Slytherin that he is, nobody else's forgiveness matters.  

Yes, agreed - but....
What if, just for the sake of argument, ole Snapey really is a baddun. 
Not that it would bother me much, in fact in some ways it'd be 
welcome, what with Voldy being a most unsatisfactory wannabe Ruler
of the Universe. It'd be nice to have  a genuine boo-hiss! villain around
the place instead of an incompetent numpty.

Jo seemed a touch concerted that such a large proportion of the 
fan-base are rooting for the Potions Supremo. As to why he's so many
fans, that's a bit of a poser.  Could it be that uncounted Potterheads 
really like the misanthropic, pitiless despot as portrayed in the books, 
or has film contamination blinded them to the reality?

Now project yourself forward a few months: the book is out, fans've 
read, re-read and digested through their watery bowels the finale to 
this epic tale - and it turns out Sevvy is a no-good, murdering scrote 
who was at GH and loved every minute of it until Voldy had his 
unfortunate oops! moment. That he really, really, REALLY hates Harry, 
has done everything he could to screw him up, deliberately provoked
him so as to ruin the Occlumency lessons, thoroughly relished blasting
DD and as a reward Voldy will supply him with a constant stream of 
ravishable virgins and sole rights to all the TV cookery shows.

How many would still be in Sevvy's cheering section?
Or rather, given the cries of dis-approbation that would swamp the 
sites, how many would admit it?

Well, there's one over here, for a start.

Fictional stinkers are so much more fun than the goody lot.


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