[the_old_crowd] Re: New Guy Hi

Kat Macfarlane katmac at lagattalucianese.yahoo.invalid
Mon Sep 10 03:10:13 UTC 2007

As a Snape type myself (somewhat rare among those of the X-chromosome persuasion; hmmm, I wonder why), I would like to speak up in defense of Our Man Severus. Introverted to begin with, we tend to be put off people generally by the attitudes of those less decisive and more extroverted. After being burned by the majority of people we meet (try getting through high school as a female INTJ), we learn to be reserved and self-contained, and to live inside our own heads. Yes, we are standoffish and hard to get to know, but the few people who make the effort will find us interesting and devoted friends. Not too surprisingly, a lot of us are cat people; cats, being that way themselves, recognize us as kindred spirits.

For the record, at the university I attended, the jocks were smart first and jocks second, so I learned not to jump to confusions.

--La Gatta Lucianese

  --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Judy" <judy at ...> wrote:

  > Haha! Yeah, you are right down the road from me. There are a 
  > couple of other Potter fans in the area, too -- maybe we can all
  > get together sometime. There's also a Great Lakes HP fan Yahoo 
  > site, but the activity seems to mostly be in Grand Rapids.

  Yeah, Ive followed the Grand Rapids group vicariously through the 
  Great Lakes digest. They sound like a fun group, don't they? It's 
  just a little far, 400 miles roundtrip, to hook up for a meeting, 
  isn't it?

  I've met a few local Potterphiles through Meetup.com, mostly a bunch 
  of twentysomething girls from Dearborn.

  > Judy
  > Of course, if we ever do meet, I'll probably regale you with
  > reasons why Snape is wonderful....

  Oh, bring it on. Since I was blessed with a Y chromosome, I have 
  avoided being afflicted by Snape's sultry, brooding allure that 
  seemed to attract those without my genetic make-up. I'll buy Severus 
  was a "gift of a character" for JKR, and that he is interesting to 
  read, but I'm afraid you'll never get me to like him.

  I have met a fair few Snapes. Those folks that were predisposed to 
  disdain for the "jock" types, like me. Whether lacking the aptitude 
  or the competitive urge mattered not, they were sure that "sports" 
  were for the feeble of mind. They also can't be bothered with the 
  mundane act of socializing and are sure that their superiority of 
  intelligence over all things worth knowing excuses them from being 
  civil to the lesser beings of this world. 

  Often enough, when the veneer was peeled back, one discovered that 
  these Snape-types were neither emotionally superior nor the smartest 
  person in the room. At various times, I've made the effort to make 
  more than a superficial acquaintenance of these types. Me being both 
  a jock and somewhat of a rabble-rouser, they were frequently amazed 
  that there were more than ten brain cells in my head. Discovering I 
  am a Mensan just did not compute, it blew their categorical heirarchy 
  to have an intelligent jock.

  The Snape I know would look down his nose at me, that is if his 
  vision is good enough to see that far. ;) He would have neither the 
  time nor the inclination to see me as anything other than the stupid 
  jock and park me into that slot without a backwards glance. 

  So, have I misread our dear Severus? Or would you care to regale me 
  with his "other" virtues which have eluded my attention?

  Be forewarned, if you aren't already, I love to hate this guy. I get 
  a visceral enjoyment out of smacking him down from my keyboard.



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