[the_old_crowd] Re: Snobby Snape?

Kat Macfarlane katmac at lagattalucianese.yahoo.invalid
Tue Sep 18 01:49:01 UTC 2007

Since it was Snape who invented the Levicorpus jinx, it stands to reason that James learned it from  him, most likely by having it cast on him by Snape. One of the things that made the pensieve memory Snape's worst was that his own spell was used against him by the detested James, to make him look contemptible in front of Lily.

I see young Snape as being in sort of the same relationship to the Lucius set as Peter Pettigrew was to the Marauders: A flunky, tolerated because of something he had to offer them. In Peter's case it was admiration and flattery (as well as being a butt for his set's ridicule); in Snape's it would have been his brilliance at using and inventing jinxes and curses.

Isn't it more or less canon that what Snape really hated about James was that James was cozying up to Lily and Lily didn't half mind?

Frankly, I don't see much to admire about the Marauders (neither did Sirius and Lupin, in later life), but chacun sa goûte, as they say at Beauxbatons.


  Now, I'm not claiming any entitlement for any of these antagonists. 
  All I'm saying is that there are enough clues for me to believe that 
  Severus took part in his share of hexing during this time, and that 
  MWPP undoubtedly were on the receiving end once in a while.

  Oh yeah; I know we were talking about what Sev disliked about James. 
  Judy dear, you were the one that expanded into the whole Marauder v 
  Snape dynamic. I was just responding to your new topic. ;)


  How about if I see a few Severus plus 2 or 3 against one or two of 
  the Marauders? Snape had Slytherin friends, those friends had their 
  fun against some Gryffs. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to 
  see Severus joining in their reindeer games, he's no Rudolph.


  Yes we did hear about Sev hexing James. Sirius and Lupin allow as to 
  how "he never lost an opportunity to curse James" into their seventh 
  year. Sev's one of those future DEs, he's as much as admitted it to 
  Lily, he invented all those cute little hexes and jinxes. How does a 
  non-verbal spell become popular if it was never used by it's 
  inventor? No, I'm not buying Snow White Sev who never initiates or 
  plans any counter attacks.

  Snape's Worst Memory was *one* encounter, with Sev being caught out 
  in the open with no backup. If Sev's friends were there, do you think 
  *they* would have just stood aside and watched?

  Mike, a big Marauder fan :))


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