The Beard

davewitley dfrankiswork at
Mon May 19 14:26:18 UTC 2008


> I have read and reread the original texts and searched the early 
depictions of Snape, including JKR's own drawing 
(, and nowhere do I 
find a trace of whiskers. (Quite a lot of hair in the case of the JKR 
drawing, but a well defined chin and as far as I can tell, no beard.) 
> Yes, the American illustrator drew Snape with that silly little Fu 
Manchu beard, but I've always set that down to personal aberration, 
nothing to do with the Canon. I thought she missed the mark on quite 
a lot of things, not just Snape's facial fur.

I remember a while ago (2003?) Grandpre did some sort of event in 
Salt Lake City and a bunch of HPFGUers went along and asked the hard 
questions.  One of them (Foxydoxy? Dooda? Dicentra?) reported back on 
OT-Chatter, and as I recall Grandpre was totally nonplussed: she had 
just assumed all along he had a beard and was astonished to be picked 
up on it.

I think the consensus has always been clean-shaven.


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