[the_old_crowd] [Fwd: Fw: PBS Onlin Poll - Vote NOW!]

Amanda Geist editor at mandolabar.yahoo.invalid
Sat Oct 11 16:51:44 UTC 2008

Thanks. I hadn't known about this. I'll be logging on and voting Yes. 





From: the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com [mailto:the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Kat Macfarlane
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 1:31 PM
To: the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com; Kat Macfarlane
Subject: [SPAM][SPAM][the_old_crowd] [Fwd: Fw: PBS Onlin Poll - Vote NOW!]


>From one of my cousins, who hates La Palin as much as I do.


Quantum me cogitis omnes!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fw: PBS Onlin Poll - Vote NOW!
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 09:10:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: Linda Forsey <laforsey at sbcglobal. <mailto:laforsey%40sbcglobal.net>
Reply-To: laforsey at sbcglobal. <mailto:laforsey%40sbcglobal.net> net
To: Judy N <JNeihart at msn. <mailto:JNeihart%40msn.com> com>, Linda Savage
<lsavage06 at msn. <mailto:lsavage06%40msn.com> com>

PBS has an online poll posted asking if Sarah Palin is qualified.
Apparently the right wing knew about this in advance and are
flooding the voting with YES votes.

The poll will be reported on PBS and picked up by mainstream media.
It can influence undecided voters in swing states.

Please do two things -- takes 20 seconds.

1) Click on link and vote yourself.

Here's the link: http://www.pbs.
<http://www.pbs.org/now/polls/poll-435.html> org/now/polls/poll-435.html

2) Then send this to every single Obama-Biden voter you know, and
urge them to vote and pass it on.
The last thing we need is PBS saying their viewers think Sarah Palin
is qualified.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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