[the_old_crowd] Re: happy merry
Kat Macfarlane
katmac at lagattalucianese.yahoo.invalid
Mon Feb 9 15:14:44 UTC 2009
Oh, I do hope you still have them! Into my exile in a little tiny studio
apartment, I brought one big bookcase, in which MBH and APToP have
pride of place. My edition is from 1948, and I suspect yours probably is
from about then too, which would put you about a generation after me. I
doted on the Minoan pictures, and also the ones, a couple of volumes on,
on medieval Russia, not a topic usually addressed in children's
literature and therefore exotic and titillating.
If you want a cheerful and good-hearted read (no illustrations; this is
a Grown-Up Book), I strongly recommend /The Guernsey Literary and
Potato-Peel Pie Society/, by Mary Ann Shaffer. I got it from the
library, and loved it so much that I actually went out and bought it in
/hardback/!!! (Some books you just have to own in hardback!)
Literary purrs,
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) wrote:
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com
> <mailto:the_old_crowd%40yahoogroups.com>, Kat Macfarlane <katmac at ...>
> wrote:
> > I was raised on /My Book House/ and /A Picturesque Tale of
> > Progress/.
> Wow! I thought I was the only person in the world who had any
> recollection of those books! The copies of /My Book House/ and /A
> Picturesque Tale of Progress/ that I had as a child were the SAME
> copies that my father had had as a child.
> I loved /A Picturesque Tale of Progress/ so much ... long ago, when I
> was a university student, my friends who were taking Introduction to
> Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology were laboring to memorize
> photographs for an exam, and I glanced over their shoulders and said
> "Oh, that's the ivory goddess from Knossos", "Oh, that's that that
> Minoan vase with the octopus on it", and so on. Because I remembered
> them from those excellent drawings ...
> fhmaneely wrote:
> << I check the site every now and then, however totally missed
> December. So, Happy Merry to Everyone. >>
> Hi, Fran! Welcome back.
> << I can't believe you guys have been talking about food. I developed
> some stomach intestinal thingy in August and have been on a
> gluten-free, presative-free, fast food-free, bland crappy diet. Bah!
> No fun spicey stuff for me. >>
> Ouch! How awful. I hope your stomach gets healthy quickly.
> << Anything else going on??? Anyone read Beedle the Bard? >>
> I read it, but haven't gotten around to checking the published book
> against the Amazon website because of my suspicion that there might be
> some Rowling drawings on the website that didn't make it into the book.
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