[the_old_crowd] Re: food

Kat Macfarlane katmac at lagattalucianese.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jan 12 04:41:33 UTC 2009

Long Beach? Hollywood? Weren't you living in North Dakota the last time 
I looked?

I tell myself that I am saving Middle Eastern, like the Patrick O'Brian 
novels, for some future time when I really need moral support. Right now 
I'm happily working my way through the Far East. (Of course, I may have 
a divine Middle Eastern dinner and decide to jump the gun, as I did with 
the Father Brown mysteries.) Alas, I've had to give up on Indian, unless 
I cook it at home for myself. I love it, but restaurant Indian doesn't 
love me. I think it's the ghee. It goes through me like Drano. I 
generally go straight from the main course to the ladies' room. Very fast.

I /love/ dim sum. But you have to remember it took me awhile to Discover 
them. I grew up in Utah for my sins in a previous life, and back then, 
Chinese in Utah was (and for all I know still is) Chow Mein. With lots 
and lots of soy sauce, canned pineapple, and occasionally catsup. Utah 
is an alternate universe.

Wow indeed! The cousin I was visiting in Hong Kong, who grew up in 
Idaho, still approaches me with a certain degree of caution. Back in 
those days the young were keen on civil disobedience, and loved 
precipitating public confrontations. I could not, alas, take the kittens 
back to the States with me, and the cousin was soon to leave for home 
too, so they went to live with an English friend of his who was almost 
as potty about cats as I am. I'm sure they enjoyed a long, happy, and 
extremely well fed life.

Felicitous purrs,


Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) wrote:
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com 
> <mailto:the_old_crowd%40yahoogroups.com>, Kat Macfarlane wrote in
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/the_old_crowd/message/5219 
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/the_old_crowd/message/5219>>:
> >
> > has mainly been on Mexican and Italian cuisines, with successful
> > divagations into French and continental generally; I am creeping up
> > cautiously on things further east, though skipping the Middle East
> > for the time being because in my experience it is No Wine and
> > Let's See What We Can Do Weird With Yogurt.)
> Oh, don't skip Moroccan. Bastilla is paradise. And all the sauces
> (honey, garlic, lemon, etc) are so good that when the last bit of food
> is gone, I go after every last bit of sauce with pieces of bread. In
> recent years, we go to Babouch restaurant in Long Beach even tho' Long
> Beach is a longer drive than Dar Maghreb or Moun of Tunis in
> Hollywood, and I keep meaning to find out what is the red wine we
> drink there, because I like it so much that I drink twice as much as
> normal.
> > Re Chinese: Chicken /feet/? Where are you /getting/ your Chinese
> > food?
> At any decent dim sum restaurant.
> << /Cat/?!!! Oh, /nooooooo/. :'( I almost don't like you! (I once
> caused quite a kerfluffle in a Chinese restaurant in Hong Kong >>
> Hong Kong but no dim sum????
> << by retrieving the two kittens the owner had caged out front,
> confining them in a cat case under the table, and when asked what I
> wanted for dinner if I didn't want the kittens, pointing to the
> owner's son, who was disporting himself in a highchair alongside the
> cash register. Instant hysteria from the cashier, who was also the
> owner's wife. I think I requested Baby in Hot Orange Sauce. By that
> time the kid was bawling his head off. Eventually we compromised on
> chicken in something, and the cashier escaped, clutching her son. I
> hope the brute learned a well deserved lesson, but I'm inclined to
> doubt it.) >>
> Wow!

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