..at last, a Michelin-starred recipe for Butterbeer!

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at carolynwhite2.yahoo.invalid
Mon Mar 23 17:58:55 UTC 2009

Hi Rita,
Yes, the closure of his restaurant has been quite high profile news for some reason. It turned out that three of his staff and four customers were carrying a nasty norovirus bug which causes vomiting etc. There have been two or three outbreaks of this virus across the country over winter, so bad luck for Heston that he had some carriers in his restaurant, especially whilst he has this peak time cooking feast series running. The food is really extraordinary, and a lot of fun by the look of it. Anyway, the place has now re-opened.


--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)" <catlady at ...> wrote:
> Thanks for the info. The recipe looks delicious. I clicked through to its parent, the website for the whole Tudor Feast, with links to Medieval Feast and Victorian Feast, and it looks like it would be fascinating if I ever had time to read it.
> However, there is a co-incidence that amuses me. This morning, Yahoo!Groups persistently told me that each of my Y!groups was temporarily unavailable, so I surfed Scientific American's website for a while (that place is a addictive, even skipping the fee- required content!) and just before I left it for here, I saw a short notice that The Fat Duck was re-opening after being closed for IIRC two weeks by their Health Department as it searched in vain for the source of some food poisoning (my terminology, so much more genteel than their naming of symptoms).
> --- In the_old_crowd at ...m, "carolynwhite2" <carolynwhite2@> wrote:
> >
> > We have a chef called Heston Blumenthal in the UK who runs a 3-Michelin starred restaurant called the Fat Duck. He's creating a series of extraordinary feasts on telly at the moment, which last night included a genuine Tudor recipe for butterbeer. It looked as though it went down really well for those who tried it!
> > 
> > http://blogs.channel4.com/food/2009/03/17/feasting-on-butterbeer/
> > 
> > Carolyn
> >

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