Hi, there.

ats_fhc3 acire_sadeur at ats_fhc3.yahoo.invalid
Sat Apr 5 07:45:45 UTC 2003

Hey, my name's Acire (my first name spelled backwards). I have an
addiction to HP4GU, I guess. I did notice that this board is a 
little slow, but I thought it was kind of cool there was a regional 

What will I be doing the night before OotP comes out? My two Harry 
Potter friends and I will be outside a Borders, with our homemade 
Harry Potter scarves, made by moi. One Gryffendor, one Ravenclaw, 
and one Slytherin (I'll be the Slytherin, and we couldn't find a 

I reside in Northern California during the school year, and Southern 
California on vacations (going to school in Northern CA).

I think that't it, I'm really bored right now. Oh, and my school got 
in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most participants in a 
shape made out of glowsticks. We just did this tonight. It was fun 
and cold.

-Acire, who liked the Naked Quidditch

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