[HP4GU-California] Hi, there.

Tim Merrigan tppm at Tim_Merrigan.yahoo.invalid
Sat Apr 5 08:03:21 UTC 2003


What do you mean you made the scarves and you couldn't find a Hufflepuff?  Do you mean you
couldn't find yellow and/or black yarn?

Congratulations on getting into the Guinness Book of World Records.

ats_fhc3 wrote:

> Hey, my name's Acire (my first name spelled backwards). I have an addiction to HP4GU, I
> guess. I did notice that this board is a little slow, but I thought it was kind of cool
> there was a regional group.
> What will I be doing the night before OotP comes out? My two Harry Potter friends and I
> will be outside a Borders, with our homemade Harry Potter scarves, made by moi. One
> Gryffendor, one Ravenclaw, and one Slytherin (I'll be the Slytherin, and we couldn't find
> a Hufflepuff).
> I reside in Northern California during the school year, and Southern California on
> vacations (going to school in Northern CA).
> I think that't it, I'm really bored right now. Oh, and my school got in the Guinness Book
> of World Records for the most participants in a shape made out of glowsticks. We just did
> this tonight. It was fun and cold.
> -Acire, who liked the Naked Quidditch

I pledge allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the
republic which it established, one nation from many peoples, promising liberty and justice
for all.

Tim Merrigan
e-mail:  tppm at ...
URL:  http://home.attbi.com/~tppm/home.htm
AIM:  tppm1
YM:  Tim_Merrigan

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