April meeting?

jenP_97 at jenp_97.yahoo.invalid jenP_97 at jenp_97.yahoo.invalid
Sat Mar 20 23:14:55 UTC 2004

--- In HP4GU-California at yahoogroups.com, "Professor MacFusty"
<hebrideanblack at e...> wrote:
> Carolyn wrote:
> > I'd like to attend a line party, for Prisoner of Askaban, 
> > somewhere in the San Francisco Bay Area.  
> I recently discovered this:
> http://www.witchinghour.org/getinvolved/preevents.html


I don't know why we'd need to go through that...  We've always just
arranged one here at the group.  In the past, we've gone down to
Culver City (LA), but now that there's a sizable NoCal contingent, we
could probably arrange two line parties.  It almost seems kinda weird
to arrange through a convention being held 3000 miles away a line
party being held on the opposite coast, especially when we have a
group active for just those things.

Maybe I'm just a party pooper, though.  Heaven knows if I'll even be
able to attend *any* line party this year... though it'd probably be
in LA, as I have a free place to stay and people to watch my children
for nothing if I go there.

-Jen, who can't WAIT for summer vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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