[HP4GU-California] Re: posted to Feedback Re: Hurricane Katrina / Susan's relief idea

Carolyn Kayta Barrows Kayta at kaytadollmaker.yahoo.invalid
Sat Sep 3 23:06:55 UTC 2005

>I am always astonished at the reasons people come up with for  inaction.

And I'm always astonished at the sheer number of appeals for help in 
disasters.  I'm inundated with these and cannot escape them.  So, after 
doing everything I can, especially for the friends of mine who live in the 
affected areas, I go online for a little relief of my own.  I turn off the 
TV and go read about other things than human suffering I cannot begin to 

For example, yesterday I had a long phone conversation with my daughter 
about Harry Potter, she just having finished HBP.  She isn't on any Harry 
Potter lists, and had missed the part about the locket in the glass case in 
OOtP, and hadn't made any RAB connections.  She reminded me that the 
ring/horcrux had been destroyed, which I had forgotten about.  And we 
discussed how ambiguous JKR has always been about whether or not Snape is 
really on the side of the Good Guys.  We had a lovely chat.

Anyway, I read e-mail from groups I'm on that have nothing to do with 
disasters, and still I get disasters.  How can I say, gently, to give it a 
break?  The folks still in New Orleans cannot escape their predicament 
right now, but how much of their pain do I need to share?  As in, making me 
hurt doesn't help them.  As certainly as they need a break, so do I.

        CarolynKayta Barrows
dollmaker, fibre artist, textillian

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