[HP4GU-FAQ] Lupin/Dumbledore/HELP

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer linsenma at hic.net
Fri Aug 11 00:21:10 UTC 2000

Margaret --

I'm going to try & help (but my technical competence level is low)!

If you've never used egroups before, then yes, you do need to register.
Go to egroups.com.  Mine "remembers" me so I don't have to sign in each
time.  But, I suspect you do need to register if you've never done so

If you have registered before but it's not accepting your password, is
it possible you've forgotten your password?

Anyway, once egroups lets you in -- this group should be one of the ones
listed on the left-hand side of the screen.  You're sending & receiving
email from this group, so you must be subscribed.

Aacck.  Not sure if I'm helping or not -- maybe someone else will have
suggestions to offer.


"McNie, Margaret" wrote:

> .K. I finally got started with my messages today. But being an egroups
> virgin, I have no clue how to get into our site. So can someone lead
> me step by step? I did go into egroups.com and tried to use 'my
> groups' but when I put in my email address and the password I always
> use, it said the password was unknown. Do I have to register? (You'd
> think a computer programmer could figure this out, wouldn't you? But
> I'm strictly mainframe. I get really lost with this PC stuff.)
> To Melanie, I wouldn't mind doing the maintenance on the Lupin and
> Dumbledore FAQs. I'm assuming there is one for each even if I haven't
> been able to get into our site to see them. I might be able to take
> some of the others when I can see what they are. I'm with Penny
> though; I don't want the casting stuff. I do read it but just to see
> how outrageous it's getting: David McCallum for my Lupin? He's DECADES
> too old, please!
> Anyway, thanks in advance to whoever jumps in to help.
> Margaret
> (sarvalsha)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Penny Linsenmayer [mailto:linsenma at hic.net]
> Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 3:05 PM
> To: HP4GU-FAQ at egroups.com
> Subject: [HP4GU-FAQ] Master List of FAQs
> Hi:
> When you have a moment, take a look at the Master List of FAQs that I
> created & put in the "Database" section of our egroups.  We can add &
> edit this as necessary.  It's based on the topical groupings from
> people who've sifted through their messages & my own thoughts. Paul:
> I
> love some of your heading titles (especially New York Times: Evil
> Behavior).  <vbg>
> We can change this -- but I started out with the premise that we
> could
> group some sub-topics under a larger topic.  For example, I have a
> FAQ on Hogwarts.  I would expect that would include the theories
> about
> where Hogwarts is located, whether there is tuition, the size of the
> student body, where the professors live & whether they're married or
> not, etc.
> Similarly, I set up a FAQ for each of the major characters (I know, I
> forgot Pettigrew -- we'll add him).  The Hermione page would have a
> cross-link to the Names (meanings) FAQ, a physical description of
> Hermione, her personality, a cross-link to the Romance Pairings FAQ,
> the prounciation of her name, etc.
> For the Committee:  I've created columns for the name of the person
> creating the FAQ, date of completion & who's responsible for
> maintaining it.  My thought is that once the FAQs are written, we
> might be able to talk some of the other members into volunteering to
> maintain a FAQ or 2.  That way, we, the 5-person Committee, won't be
> trying to maintain 10-15 FAQs each.
> Heidi has expressed an interest in the Geography FAQ (where is
> Hogwarts, the Burrow, Diagon Alley, etc.) & the Mythology FAQ.  I am
> placing dibs on Hermione.  I'm assigning "CoverArt" & "Other
> Recommended Reading" to Skimmel if he'll do them. He usually weighs
> in
> heavily on both those topics.  If you're not a member of the 5-person
> "Committee" but want to do one or more of the FAQs, let me know.
> We're more than happy to take your help.  And, I do not want to be
> stuck with Casting.  <g>
> Oh, email the group with your "dibs" on various FAQs.  That way
> Melanie will know that Neil has already placed dibs on "Potter,
> Harry"
> for example.  That is, I won't have to sort through & figure out who
> put dibs on something first. You might want to think about initially
> volunteering for one large FAQ and some of the smaller ones.  I
> wanted
> to try & sort them into large ones and then more minor ones, but then
> my head started to hurt.
> Is any of this making sense?  <g>
> Penny
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> HP4GU-FAQ-unsubscribe at egroups.com
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