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Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer linsenma at
Wed Aug 16 15:46:18 UTC 2000


Paul Kippes wrote:

> I've replaced the .zip files with .exe files which, when run, will
> create a message files.  All you need to do is click a file's link and
> when the "File Download" dialog box appears, select "Run this program
> from its current location."  The computer will receive the executable
> and run it.  When this finishes, you'll be prompted for a directory to
> store the message file.  Remember your selection.  I typically choose
> "Desktop" (by Browsing) which is always at the top of the list.

Um . . . I'm sorry to be so technically challenged.  When I click on the
link, my browser prompts me to save it to my hard drive.  I did this
(took 2-3 minutes for the 5000 message file to save).  Then, I opened it
in Word, and it was garbage.  Then, I went to Windows Explorer to delete
it & try something else, and discovered that it's a "program."  Can you
tell what I'm doing wrong and help me out?  I don't get a "File
Download" dialog box when I click on the link.


Thanks --


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