[HP4GU-FAQ] Yahoo...& legal sensitivity

Tandy, Heidi heidi.h.tandy.c92 at alumni.upenn.edu
Mon Aug 21 20:51:46 UTC 2000

Do you really want a dissertation on libel & slander laws? 
What about ISP immunity, at least in the US?
I can put some into my FAQ on the lawsuit - I was just going to dissect
trademark & copyright laws and show the holes in her case that way (and if
anyone knows a link to the site which has the Scholastic Answer to her suit,
or a copy of it, I would love to see it!)

On a completely unrelated note, Penny & I have been having a little off-list
talk about hosting of the FAQ & making it accessable in a non-YAHOO way.
ABout 2 weeks ago, for the Very Expensive Price of $17, I got a domain name
registration for thethreebroomsticks.com (it's a pub name, we're adults, we
can go there) - BUT I don't want to be solely responsible for finding a host
for the name/site or paying the costs of it. Does anyone know who could host

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Neil Ward [mailto:neilward at dircon.co.uk]
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 4:47 PM
> To: HP4GU-FAQ at egroups.com
> Subject: [HP4GU-FAQ] Yahoo...& legal sensitivity
> I imagine the problems over at Yahoo have something to do with the 
> programmers tinkering with the facilities in some sort of preamble to 
> the merger with e-groups.  There are just too many weird things 
> happening for it to be anything else.  
> Does anyone else feel that the Yahoo people are enthusiastic amateurs 
> conducting brain surgery with knives and forks?
> Having got that libellous statement off my chest, I wanted to bring
> up the fact that our archives are slightly more exposed on a public, 
> and searchable, web site.  As we have made some fairly choice 
> assessments of N. K. Stouffer's character, for example, could we get 
> into difficulties?  
> Is there a lawyer in the house?  [I know there is <g>, I 
> just wanted to say that].
> Neil
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