Website for FAQs

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at
Fri Dec 1 21:17:04 UTC 2000

Hi --

I think it sounds as though the group would like to go ahead & upload
some of the completed FAQs as soon as we can.  I agree as I think that
could be a good motivator for many of us to go ahead & finish up.   Here
are my questions & thoughts:

1.  We need to create an overall organization for the FAQs -- a logical
"Table of Contents" or launch page or what have you.  I'm willing to
take a shot at that, unless someone else has more time &/or has an idea
in mind for what it might look like.  I assume we can then just leave
the links "inactive" for the uncompleted FAQs?

2.  We seem to have lost our HTML person (Melanie).  Has anyone heard
from her?  I know she said she was going to have a busy workschedule in
Sept/Oct, but then we really haven't heard *anything* in so long that
I'm not sure if she's abandoned us or not.  <g>  If she doesn't indeed
surface soon, does anyone else have the technical expertise to take over
this aspect of it?  I do not.

3.  I would like to edit them all for grammar, spelling, typos & the
like before they get HTML'd.  Once we have a plan for #1 & #2 above,
I'll press forward with doing that.  Although, I guess everyone should
indicate to me which FAQs that have been uploaded are ready for me to
edit & which ones you still want to make additions to.

4.  Does anyone know (or can anyone figure out) how we might best go
about editing the uploaded FAQs in the future?  It's not an immediate
problem, but I was just curious.  For example, the wand order mystery.
"Solved" in recent weeks it would appear.  If I needed to go into the
Mysteries FAQ & add a blurb about the "new" printings of GoF & what
Bloomsbury wrote to Neil (AND I don't know anything about HTML), how
hard (or easy) is it for me to maintain that FAQ?

heidi tandy wrote:

> With maintaining the registrations, no - I donated the cost of the
> $14 in registration fees to The Cause, out of the goodness of my
> heart. At some point, maybe we'll raise some fees to cover next
> year's costs, but we havre until July to worry about it.
> Penny - what is steve's input on the costs we'd have to bear for
> space on his server? Are there any? Can he host our domain name?

Uh .... I don't know.  I will ask.  I'll cc: you on that email to him
Heidi as this business is all a bit Greek to me I'm afraid.  I'm not
entirely clear what you mean by him hosting our domain name, but I will
pose the question.  <g>

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