
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at swbell.net
Tue Oct 10 22:28:41 UTC 2000

Hi --

As long as we're updating each other on progress, here's where I stand

1.  Romance Pairings -- I need to add in message #s & a bit of
discussion from the past few weeks.  Basically done.

2.  Wizarding World: Govt  -- could finish this one with probably 2-3
hrs of concentration.  On the agenda for tomorrow.

3.  Fanfic -- Done.  Just waiting on Ebony's final beta-read thoughts.

4.  JKR -- *almost* done -- one more interview to toss in tidbits & then

5.  Others -- not started (well, I have a bit on Hermione but not too
much as yet).  I figure the Adult v Childrens Lit one will not be hard
or take much time.  It will get done this week.  I may go ahead & tackle
(or at least start Hermione) this week also.  The inconsistencies &
mysteries one -- I will try to start this week as well.  Hogwarts is
becoming a nightmare (much like Snape) -- my boggart might even turn
into a Hogwarts FAQ right now.  I don't think Religion & HP will take
too much time either as I don't think the group has discussed all that
much on that topic.  Hmmm . . . I may have a handful of others but if
so, they are escaping me at the moment.

Good luck with printing all that stuff Simon.  I've had the recent
brilliant idea of cutting & pasting the relevant messages into a word
processing file & then working from that.  Will see how that works.


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