Coordination of Religion FAQ & Book-Banning

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at
Sun Oct 29 23:48:19 UTC 2000

Hi --

I'm "on fire" with these FAQs today.  I posted the "Adult v Children's
Lit" one earlier today.  That was supposed to be one of my "easy" ones
-- so why, oh why, did it take *8* hours??!  I thought it would be easy
since I'm the only one who seems to post on the evil NY Times, etc.
But, there was more to it than I thought once I got into it.  I guess
that's been pretty true for all of us & our FAQs, eh?  I must say
Charles McGrath (NY Times Book Review editor) comes off looking pretty
darn bad in this FAQ.  Our IP lawyer better look at it & be sure I
haven't libeled the poor guy.  Just kidding!  I really just quoted him
directly & well . . . he makes himself look pretty bad.  I just love the
quote about Scholastic & HP having had their day in the sun & now it's
time to relegate them to a children's list, where they should have been
all along.

Okay.  The point of this post is really a question about the Religion
FAQ.  We haven't discussed it much in the group.   Therefore, it will be
very short (yay!) and simple.  I'm planning to add links to some
articles from the HP: Culture & Religion website -- they have some great
pieces by theologians for one thing.

Question: the one area where I might add some meat into this FAQ has to
do with the views/arguments of the religious right & anti-HP groups.
Has that been covered (or will it be covered - she says hopefully) in
the Book-Banning FAQ?  If so, I will merely cross-reference.

BTW, in searching for "Wicca" on the egroups messages, I discovered that
catlady has an email address through  So, her tons of
messages were coming up in my search.  I can only hope that searching
"religion," "Christian," "pagan" & "Wiccan" will do the trick.  :--)


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