A couple of questions (I have forgotten te answer / decision for one)

Simon J. Branford simon.branford at hertford.ox.ac.uk
Mon Oct 30 00:09:18 UTC 2000

Hello All;

Penny wrote: "BTW, in searching for "Wicca" on the egroups messages, I
discovered that catlady has an email address through wicca.net.  So, her
tons of messages were coming up in my search."

When I was searching for the chapter discussions earlier I was fine when
finding ones with the numbers in numerical form, but if anyone had posted
them in word form then I missed them - and this was with me searching for
'chapter' and then reading off the relevant numbers. I uploaded a file with
all the relevant message numbers for the chapter discussion starts earlier
and, in a fit of organization, remembered to leave room for the remaining
chapters in the table.

Neil wrote: "The FAQs would start with a brief character study followed by
the Q&A section and some quotes, while the character summary for the board
would be longer.  I guess it depends on how you view it though."

Did we decide to go with the FAQ including a small character summary, which
changes to a link to the relevant character discussion message when the
character has been discussed or are the FAQ's to include an in depth
discussion of the character (i.e. doing the character discussions for
characters not yet discussed). I would prefer the first option, as it is
less work to do (having said that most of my characters have already been
discussed so I would have little else to do).

My weekend provided little free time - something to do with being away. I
hope to get all but my Harry FAQ done this coming week. I now have a couple
of weeks that I have less organized stuff to do in. So should be able to
spend more time on FAQ stuff. I would like to get them finished soon!

Simon (signing off for the night - need some sleep)

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