[HP4GU-FAQ] Help, again...

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer linsenma at hic.net
Mon Sep 4 22:06:45 UTC 2000

Hi --

Ebonyteach at aol.com wrote:

> I'm a little confused about how to upload my stuff into the FORT
> database.

Hi Ebony -- I think Dee has been confused as well.  Let me see if I can
explain easily (sorry -- this may be too late for you & if it is, let me
know & I'll enter your stuff into FORT) --

1.  Go to the homepage of this list.

2.  Click on "Database"

3.  Click on "FORT"

4.  There will be a table with 220+ rows in it as I recall -- there are
about 20 rows per page.  You can navigate to the next page by clicking
on the arrows at the top of the table on each page.

5.  When you find the first row where you need to add in some posts,
first check to be sure it isn't already full (each row will hold about
40 message #s).  If it's not too full, click on the "Edit" icon to the
far left of that row.  It will take you to another screen, where you can
fill in your message #s.  Once you've filled them in, just click "Save
Record."  If your browser is like mine, it will take you from there back
to the very beginning of the table (even if you were working from page 9
of the table).  I've been using the "back" button on my browser to find
where I was again more easily.

6.  If a row is too full or if you need to add a row to cover a topic
that hasn't been covered before, just hit "Add a Record" at the top of
the page.  It will ask you for a topic description & give you space to
put message #s.  Then, just "Save Record" as you did above.

7.  Probably a good idea to read through the entire table first -- some
of the topics were named things that weren't necessarily the same naming
custom I might have used.

Let me know if either of you need me to manually enter your posts into
FORT as I can do that if you need help.

Thanks --

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