[HP4GU-FAQ] FAQ lists/Stouffer/'members' etc
Neil Ward
neilward at dircon.co.uk
Thu Sep 7 20:12:07 UTC 2000
Heidi wrote:
>The same thing is going to keep happening, and if
>we put "all" the answers into the FAQ now, will that stiffle discussion of
>such topics in the future?
Perhaps I wasn't clear because I'm shifting my goalposts around. I'm not
proposing raising or answering questions that aren't in the archives, only
listing items such as Charms/Spells or Magical Devices and then including
discussion under those that *have* been discussed. Anyway, perhaps I'd
better just get on with it instead of labouring the point...
>Heidi also asked about the Stouffer lawsuit - should she, as a lawyer, make
an assessment of it?
Heidi, I think the Stouffer lawsuit is a bit exceptional and, IMO, it would
be good to include a legal perspective alongside all those insults we hurled
at her. I suppose the aim of that FAQ is to avoid a 'who is this Stouffer
woman anyway' type of post, followed up with an 'oh, isn't this terrible,
how can she do this?' Since most of us 'members' (I'd use that term too,
BTW) are not lawyers, we could only grind our teeth and exclaim at the
latest outrages on her website. Most of that stuff won't answer the burning
One last, general point. I think I am going to limit myself to HP4GU, at
least for now, rather than looking in other clubs.
"Then, dented, scratched and steaming,
the car rumbled off into the darkness,
its rear lights blazing angrily"
[Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets]
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