Hermione & Older Guy Theories

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer linsenma at hic.net
Thu Sep 7 22:32:59 UTC 2000

Hi --

Neil Ward wrote:

> I'm afraid I have advanced the idea that Hermione would go for an
> older man. I think I suggested Lupin or Sirius, those being the only
> remotely sexy still-alive older men in the books (unless you count
> Lockhart and Lucius Malfoy), but it may have been in the chat room,
> where advancing
> preposterously seems to be the done thing.

Must have been in the chat room as I didn't see any messages from you
advancing this theory (unless they're in the batches not yet done).
Anyway . . . .she already has gone for an older man (and had more of a
romance than the other major characters).  I wouldn't be surprised if
she had another fling with another older man before the series/canon
ends though.

> I know that when Penny looks into the Mirror of Erised she sees Harry
> and
> Hermione locked in a hot embrace, so I'll avoid rehashing this 'old
> guy'
> theory in HP4GU in case she has to put it in the 'Romance Pairings'
> FAQ... or will I <g>.

Now, now!  Trying to guess the "deepest most desperate desires" of my
heart, are you?  <g>  Hmmph.  Well . . . . who's to say I would be
picturing Harry (PoU-aged) in a hot embrace with *Hermione* (ooh, did I
just say that out loud?) .  <vbg>

Nope, as I said on the main group yesterday -- I'll tell everyone what
the boggart would turn into if it saw me . . . . but I'm not divulging
what I might see in the Mirror of Erised.  Actually, *I'm* not even sure
I know what it would be (but, the above *was* a joke -- I seriously
doubt I'd see anything HP-related).

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