Still working on FORT...

Ebony Elizabeth ebonyink at
Sat Sep 9 19:34:20 UTC 2000

As I said, please be patient with me.  I overslept this morning and 
woke up *much* later than I intended.  I've been returning e-mails 
all morning to parents and *all* of the lists I'm on, so my Hotmail 
account doesn't explode and AOL messages don't get lost.

I was under the impression that FORT entry was optional, not 
mandatory until about a week ago when I issued the SOS.  When I 
originally joined the FAQ team and did the database, I was on summer 
vacation.  Suddenly teaching, an overload of grad classes, and moving 
have occupied lots of my time--and now I'll have to pack up my 
computer sometime later today or early tomorrow.  I won't be online 
again until my phone is turned on Monday night... and then I have a 
paper due on Tuesday.

"No excuse is a good excuse" is my mantra.  So expect the FORT entry 
to be done ASAP.  I do apologize for the inconvenience and 
misunderstanding on my part.

Ebony AKA AngieJ

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