[HP4GU-FAQ] Update

Denise gypsycaine at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 10 16:37:59 UTC 2000

LOL Poor Penny!  I just wanted to clarify that what I sent you (the group) was a HREF line, where you have words on the line like "CLICK HERE" that actually are a hyper-text link to a new page.  Does that help?  HREF is just the word used to describe it to folks, don't worry about it if that confuses you!  It's like IMG SRC which is for pictures in the same manner (It brings in those photos that you uploaded to your file manager, and you plop them where you want using that line.)

Now that I have utterly confused you, I will log off with something on a different note:



LOL!  Gotta love Cobol!  


Formatting Questions -- noone ever really said, but is there an
way to provide a link directly to the messages being cited?  Dee 
posted some sort of coding example that made *no* sense whatever to 
me.  I have zero background in computer programming (zero!).  If that 
is what's required, I will need someone else to code mine for me as 
that's completely out of my technical skill-set.
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