[HP4GU-FAQ] Update

Paul Kippes kippesp at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 10 17:30:42 UTC 2000

Penny Linsenmayer <linsenma at hic.net> wrote: 

Formatting Questions -- noone ever really said, but is there an
way to provide a link directly to the messages being cited? Dee 
posted some sort of coding example that made *no* sense whatever to 

I'm assuming that MS Word 97 is being used to write these FAQ pages.  This program is a bit of a pain since it may not do exactly what you want.  But here's an example of how to get it to:

   You want to have the text "See message Y-1234." where "Y-1234" is a hyperlink to the eGroups Archive site and open a new browser window that opens message 1234.  MS Word 97 is already running and your web page is being edited as a web page.

   Type the text "See message Y-1234."

   Highlight (i.e. select) the text "Y-1234"

   Choose menu: Insert-->Hyperlink...

   The 'Insert Hyperlink' menu box will appear at which point you should type the following into the field 'Link to file or URL:'


Everythink else will be blank and no boxes will be checked.  Press Enter.

   Okay.  Now for the real pain.  I'm guessing that you want a new browser window to be used (I know would.)  So, at this point you need to edit the HTML crud directly by choosing from the menu: View-->HTML Source

   You will see tagged text like the following:

See message <A HREF="http://www.egroups.com/message/HPforGrownups-Archives/1234">Y-1234</A>.

Change it to:

<P>See message <A HREF="http://www.egroups.com/message/HPforGrownups-Archives/1234" target=_blank>Y-1234</A>.</P>The important think is to add "target=_blank" into the <A HREF> area if you want a new browser window to pop open.

Word 2000 may be better at this but I haven't installed it yet.  Someone else may know this answer.  At any rate, if a new browser window is more trouble than its worth, just stop after finishing step 5.



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