
Penny Linsenmayer linsenma at hic.net
Sun Sep 10 15:42:13 UTC 2000

Hi --

Yesterday, I uploaded a file of 7700-7827 (it's labelled 7700 - 8000 
because I thought we had 8000 Yahoo messages).  Turns out we only
7827 or so thus far.  I guess I'll continue to check that site 
periodically & update, but things have slowed way down over there.  
There are still occasional posts but I think our core membership has 
migrated to egroups.  

I have added the 7700 - 7827 messages into FORT.  

Ebony -- If you're too busy to get to the FORT stuff, I'll be happy
enter your messages for you.  I know you're swamped, and I think
I could have done a better job of communicating early on with this 
group (before the teachers & students went back to school).  I wasn't 
too clear that we were definitely going to be doing FORT myself until 
mid-way through.  I'm still largely relying on the individual files, 
because I find it's easier. I was planning to use FORT as a final 
check.  Anyway . . . . feel free to let me know if your schedule is 
getting too overwhelming & you need me to enter your stuff into FORT.

Formatting Questions -- noone ever really said, but is there an
way to provide a link directly to the messages being cited?  Dee 
posted some sort of coding example that made *no* sense whatever to 
me.  I have zero background in computer programming (zero!).  If that 
is what's required, I will need someone else to code mine for me as 
that's completely out of my technical skill-set.  Or, should we just 
go with providing the HPforGrownups-Archive & HPforGrownups (egroups) 
URLs at the beginning of each set of messages cited?  

As for page length & page set-up (frames v no-frames) and the like -- 
I'll leave those decisions to you experts.  I assume it's fine if I 
just set about writing my FAQs into Word & let someone else figure
how it should all be set up on the website?  


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