FAQ Questions & Answers

Penny Linsenmayer linsenma at hic.net
Sat Sep 16 22:23:19 UTC 2000


<<<-Priori Incantatem is obviously a spell, but covers issues relating
to Harry and his parents and wands.  Am I okay including all the
discussion points under the above?>>>

Oh, sure -- the more you do, the less I'll need to cover under 
"Inconsistencies & Mysteries: GoF"  <g>  Seriously, I will cover whatever 
you don't think is appropriate for Spells or I can just link to your 

<<<-Spells made up by members are mostly quite amusing - should they go
here, or under humour?>>>

I would vote for putting them in HP Humor.

<<<-I guess I should include mention of potions in this FAQ? They aren't 
mentioned elsewhere.>>>

I think so -- Polyjuice Potion for sure.  Are there any other potions 
mentioned by name?

Simon asked about Fawkes in the Animal Characters, and the more I think 
about it, maybe he should go in Animal Characters.  He's Dumbledore's pet, 
and he figures alot in CoS and some in GoF.  Heidi's Magical or Mythical 
Creatures FAQ can include more general information about phoenixes and a 
cross-reference to Fawkes under Animal Characters.  That's my opinion 

I didn't see any other Animal Characters to add to your list Simon.

My question du jour -- I've been working on the Fanfic FAQ and have listed 
out various fanfics recommended by our members.  I have highlighted PoU as 
the first mention and touted it as "considered by most fanfic fans as the 
best HP fanfic."  Blah, blah, blah.  I don't think most of us will quarrel 
with that -- even if you're not a fan of H/H, most people I think would 
agree that the writing is top-notch and the action plot is incredible.  I 
then followed with all other fanfic recommendations in alphabetical order by 
title.  But, I put A Sirius Affair indented under PoU, indicating it's a 
prequel to PoU.  I hope people won't presume I'm indicating that ASA is the 
2nd best fanfic on the net because of where I've placed it.  Am I being 


>From: "Flying Ford Anglia" <neilward at dircon.co.uk>
>Reply-To: HP4GU-FAQ at egroups.com
>To: HP4GU-FAQ at egroups.com
>Subject: [HP4GU-FAQ] Spell & Charms FAQ
>Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 21:33:56 -0000

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