[HP4GU-FAQ] Messages
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer
linsenma at hic.net
Wed Sep 20 01:01:35 UTC 2000
Hi --
Simon Branford wrote:
At the moment I am writing my FAQ's on the Yahoo messages only. I am
> At the moment I am writing my FAQ's on the Yahoo messages only. I am
> planning to continue this for the others I have not read yet. Are we
> also going to base them on the e-groups messages? If so can I write a
> first draft based on the Yahoo stuff and then add to or changes (as
> necessary) my FAQ's to incorporate the E-group stuff next month? At
> the moment I am not keeping the e-mail messages from the group, so
> would have to be online to search etc. I am happy to update the FAQ's
> up to the point when we first complete them (after this I will update
> some but do not want to have to do all of them - time will become a
> problem) but would rather leave E-group searching until after I have
> returned to University (since I have an unlimited free and much faster
> net connection there).
Yes, I think most of us are probably pretty much just trying to deal
with drafting out the basic FAQ based on the Yahoo messages. I am going
back & supplementing with the egroups messages. It makes sense to me
that you should do that updating where you've got a better connection
Simon. I think your plan sounds completely fine.
As far as maintaining the FAQs -- I don't want to maintain all of mine
either! <g> I hope we can recruit some other volunteers to help with
this task. If we could get enough volunteers so that everyone only
needs to worry with 2-3 of them, this seems ideal to me. I guess that
means we need 20-30 total volunteers. Of course, this also means
somehow screening out the people who will shirk the duty so to speak --
like the 2-3 people who never even came back & said they couldn't do
their grouping of Yahoo messages. Any suggestions?
I guess the other consideration is how long people have to maintain
before we start to get nervous that they're falling down on the job. I
think I need to know more about how the actual maintaining will work
technically/logistically before we can figure out a reasonable timetable
(i.e., if it's truly a pain, then maybe you only update the FAQs every 3
mths; if it's very easy, maybe once a month makes more sense). Thoughts
on this?
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