
Neil Ward neilward at
Sun Feb 18 06:34:11 UTC 2001

Paul, thanks for doing all that work... and on a Saturday night!  

I'd really like to get a bit further with my work on these blessed 
FAQs, but I have other things to do at the moment (things that people 
are, optimistically, paying me to do, the fools).  At the moment, I'm 
seeing myself in the Mirror of Erised, clutching several rolls of 
parchment labelled "Neils FAQs". It will happen!

A couple of points.

(a) Note that several of these FAQs are drafts requiring proofreading.

(b) Before 'dressing' any of the files, it's worth checking with 
Steve VA, if you haven't already, on how he plans to present these, 
since they will be located on the Lexicon site.  I'm sorry if I'm 
stating the obvious; I would just hate you both to spend time doing 
the same tasks!

The couple of drafts I've posted are already in basic html form and 
my arrangement is totally different to Penny's.  I decided to put my 
refs at the end of each section mainly because I started with Magical 
Devices, which fell into distinct mini-sections.  It was also partly 
because I didn't use a strict footnoting system, so it was less clear 
which ref referred to which piece of text.  I may need to rethink my 

Simon, Heidi and the others have used slightly different approaches 
(Simon has the footnotes too, whereas Heidi's approach is similar to 
mine, IIRC). I hope this won't confuse the issue.  

Re, message linking, I agree that we shouldn't link to individual 
messages.  In my FAQs - the couple I've drafted - I named and dated 
the eGroups messages or threads, because I was using the messages 
archived by my e-mail system and none of the messages were numbered.  
I intend to go online to check the message numbers (or the numbers of 
the messages that initiated threads).

Splitting the FAQs?  We could do that with 'list' things (like 
Magical Devices, Magical Animals etc), but I think the character FAQs 
should stay whole.

I'm not sure how the footnotes should be presented... I'll get back 
to you on that.


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