[HP4GU-FAQ] FAQ web page sample

Steve Vander Ark vderark at bccs.org
Mon Jan 22 14:25:04 UTC 2001

> Navigation Categories: Do they need to be limited to one word
> categories?  The draft Table of Contents (Index) that I created last
> month has the following big categories:

I can easily do it with these categories. I just, uh, never looked at your
table of contents...

> Question: I know this is a draft, but will there be active links for the
> webpages that are cited?  What about the message numbers?  We talked at
> one point about having it set up so that if someone wanted to link
> directly from a message citation to the actual message in the Archives,
> it would take them there.  But, now that we're archiving messages
> elsewhere, this may definitely be more headache than it's worth.
> Thoughts on that?

I didn't go through it for links. I could link just about anything, as you
might imagine. I'd say to wait until the messages are archived, then I'll
link them. Of course, that means that things that don't get archived now,
we'd have to RElink when they DO get archived. I dunno, maybe that's too
much trouble.

> Another Question: All of my FAQs thus far lent themselves to "essay"
> form.  I prepared them in Word, with footnotes for message #s, secondary
> sources, page references, etc.  I'm anxious to see how one of these will
> format -- so can one of mine be the next test case?  :--)  The Religion
> & Universal Appeal FAQs are probably the shortest ones that I've
> written, although length may not matter to you.

I'll do that one next. I'm in final rehearsals for a show right now so my
evenings and weekends are shot. I did that page last night between my son's
birthday party and doing laundry into the wee hours, bur I'm not sure I can
get another page finished until maybe tomorrow. I just want VERY much to get
this set.


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