[HP4GU-FAQ] Offline Messages?

Aberforth's Goat Aberforths_Goat at Yahoo.com
Tue Jul 3 08:28:49 UTC 2001

> I'm probably like everyone else in that I use an off-line reader.  In 
> my case it's Eudora.  I haven't yet worked our a method of keeping 
> the in an up-to-date state.  Sorry.


Is there a means of "harvesting" the messages in HP4GU?

Aberforth's Goat (a.k.a. Mike Gray)
"My own brother, Aberforth, was prosecuted for practising
inappropriate charms on a goat. It was all over the papers,
but did Aberforth hide? No he did not! He held his head high."

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