[HP4GU-FAQ] Status Update???

Simon simon at hp.inbox.as
Fri Jul 27 21:30:26 UTC 2001

Hi all,

I am back from a few days away, but need some sleep. A good few days away;
even if I am now a little red (8+ hours watching the cricket is not good
for those of us with a fair complexion). I am back for a while, but will be
away again (probably) on the weekend of 11th/12th of August.

Penny: <<<So ..... I need some very clear, step-by-step instructions as to
how to update one of the FAQs that has been converted.>>>

Ah yes this would be useful. As I received a few hundred messages while I
was away (and a virus) I may have missed any mention of this (if so point
me at the relevant message please).

Penny: <<<I know you are all busy writing fanfic, creating fanfic sites,
studying abroad, caring for children, moving, working, repairing your home
(me!), and just generally living your otherwise full lives, but I was
wondering if everyone could report in with a quick status report as to
where they are with their FAQs.>>>

Yes (honest!), yes, no, no, no, no, no, possibly.

Nothing has changed since when I last wrote. I have been too busy to do
anything and am now job-hunting. Hopefully I will have some time soon to do
some more on them.

Amy: <<<already hard at work on RL.  Can everyone stop posting about him
for awhile, please?>>>

Hard at work on RL already? Very good - but when are you going to start
FAQing? <VBG>

It does get annoying trying to write FAQs when people keep posting, but
people will keep writing messages!


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