[HP4GU-FAQ] Status Update???

Aberforth's Goat Aberforths_Goat at Yahoo.com
Wed Jul 25 18:03:03 UTC 2001

Well, as far as my part goes, I've now made a start on my Pettigrew
FAQ--have about 1/3 of the messages processed. I had the good luck to
severely sprain my ankle about 2 hours ago, earning myself a whole evening
home alone at the computer--so I may well have all the messages processed by
the end of this evening. No ETA's, thought--I've done that a few times too

I'm in a bit of a quandary about my last FAQ job, though. The similarities
between the Potters and Voldemort seems like a pretty narrow topic, and I
haven't seen many discussions of it either. (Not that I mightn't have missed
them ... I seem to have dozed through the entire Abanes controversy everyone
has be mentioning.) (Which is probably conclusive proof of Divine Providence
... )

Back to griping: The Harry-Voldy axis has some obvious facts to it, but I'm
not sure how many parallels I could draw between James or Lilly and Voldy.
I'm wondering whether I shouldn't write up a couple of questions, then let
one of our Voldy or Harry people add the material to their FAQ's.

Wise thoughts?


Aberforth's Goat (a.k.a. Mike Gray)

"Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, so that may not have been

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