the FAQ is now a web site

Steve Vander Ark vderark at
Sun Jun 10 06:25:59 UTC 2001

> I have only posted two drafts of my FAQs so far, and IIRC, both 
were just
> plain Word documents.  I'd be happy to try using Composer or 
somesuch editor
> instead of Word, if it will make things easier, but I don't have 
any such
> thing AFAIK. Is there some suitable freeware I can download?  Would
> something like Hotdog be the thing, for example?

You know, Neil, I just converted another one from Word (Heidi's 
geography one) and it went so smoothly I really don't think anyone 
needs to worry about it. Just don't use footnotes like Penny and 
you're probably just fine. If you're in a kindly mood, you could use 
Arial 12 point bold for body text and make your subheadings in 18 
point bold. That would save me one step. Oh, and sign your name at 
the top :)


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