[HP4GU-FAQ] the FAQ is now a web site

heidiandaaroN at aol.com heidiandaaroN at aol.com
Sun Jun 10 12:10:16 UTC 2001

In a message dated 6/10/01 1:07:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time, vderark at bccs.org 

<< Thanks to Paul's excellent design work (and web-friendly pallette of 
 colors) and a little bit of work on my part, we now have an FAQ 
 website. Only a couple of pages are finished, but if you'd like to 
 take a peek and see how it looks, head on over to:
 <A HREF="http://www.i2k.com/~svderark/lexicon/faq/">

I love this! And I love the way my Geography FAQ turned out - it's not 
officially updated, but nothing much has been discussed since I did it, so 
it's fine...
And I will start working my other FAQs in COmposer, which I think I remember 
how to use - anything to make it easier on you!

btw - the pot. rom. pairings is a Penny Production - who else could write so 
unbiasedly about shipping? :)
<< This site is ready to go whenever we want to link the domain name to 
 it. I don't think we need to wait until each and every page is added 
 to make it live. At what point do we welcome visitors? We do have a 
 little bit of general site work to do too before that time: we will 
 want to add a hit counter to the main page as well as a search 
 function.  >>

Can we have a counter on the first page before we go live? - something that 
says ______ witches and wizards have visited since June __, 2001, or 
something like that? I think we can go live without the search function, 
though, dpending on how long it takes.
We also should have, as I once suggested, a line that says "HARRY POTTER(TM), 
HOGWARTS(TM), HERMIONE GRANGER(TM), FLUFFY(TM)  and other similar and related 
indicia are trademarks of Warner Bros., and are used here for noncommercial 
purposes; no infringement is intended."
It can either be on a page by itself, with a link from each page that says 
"Intellectual Property Information" or on each line, in small type, like the 
copyright notice. 

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