Steve Vander Ark vderark at bccs.org
Mon Jun 11 00:16:29 UTC 2001

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at y..., "Penny Linsenmayer" <pennylin at s...> wrote:

> Steve, I'm sorry that my composition method is turning into 
headaches for 
> you.  I will be happy to go back through all my FAQs and change the 
> footnotes into endnotes manually if this makes sense.  Or, is there 
> method I could use that would help you out?  Is Composer the 
program that is 
> part of Netscape?  I'm not familiar with it, but I could also try 
cutting & 
> pasting my work into that program (or doing whatever is necessary 
to fix my 
> documents so that it will be less work for you).

Yes, Composer is part of Netscape Communicator. I use it almost 
exclusively because it makes editing pages extremely easy and fast 
and doesn't mess with your code the way that FrontPage does. I own 
FrontPage and several other fancy expensive editors and I always come 
back to Composer. 

I need to find out what Paul's conversion program will do before I 
answer your question about redoing your pages. There's no hurry. I'll 
let you know when I have a good answer. 

> Steve: the Potential Romance Pairings FAQ that you have uploaded is 
> definitely an old draft as I think Simon pointed out.  I've deleted 
the old 
> drafts each time I reuploaded a revised one.  I'm guessing maybe 
that you 
> downloaded that draft to your system some time ago perhaps?  
Anyway ... we 
> will definitely want to get the revised one uploaded.

Hmmm...I just downloaded everything over from the website two weeks 
ago. Maybe I had that one downloaded already and just skipped over it 
without thinking. I'll fix it.

> There is a list of who is doing what FAQ in the Files section 

I'll find it.

> Of course, I cannot do any work myself on any of this until I'm 
back in my 
> house.  Personal update: we fell victim to the fury of Tropical 
> Allison on Friday evening/Sat morning

Oh my goodness! Penny, I am so glad you're all okay, but what a 
headache, and at such a time, with the new baby... Brenda and I will 
be praying for you.


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