Post rates

Simon Branford simon.hp at
Sun Sep 29 20:25:34 UTC 2002

Not happy - Yahoomort has eaten my first attempt at this message.

Any way I have uploaded some post rate graphs to the files section 

day.gif shows how many posts there have been per day of the week.

week.gif shows how many posts there have been each week since the 
group started.

month.gif shows how many posts there have been each month since the 
group started.

Also posted is a zipped version of part of the Excel spreadsheet I 
used to generate these graphs. It is only part because the full thing 
came to nearly 3Mb (when zipped) and it is only really there to give 
an idea of the formulae used, so that similar techniques can be used 
in the future if we need to update this info.


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