Catching up & What FAQs Should We Have?

Cindy C. cindysphynx at
Mon Sep 30 00:44:08 UTC 2002


> EXCEL OR WORD -- I'd have voted for Excel, which I think is a 
> tremendously powerful program.  But, I can certainly work in Word 
> easily enough.  

Dicey explained to me that Word tables can easily be converted into 
Excel spreadsheets.  She suggested that cullers work in either Word 
or Excel, whichever they are more comfortable with.  

When we are finished with the culling, we can then generate one 
massive Excel spreadsheet for cullers who prefer that format and a 
series of Word tables for cullers who prefer that format.  We can 
also create an Access database for those who prefer that format.

Remember, though, that if you choose to prepare Word tables, Dicey 
warns that they become unstable and become corrupted if they get too 
large.  So keep an eye on how large your table is getting.


>I think we need a feedback
>process so that we start to agree on common language. 
>Otherwise we'll come up with lots of different names
>for the same thing.  

Your wish is our command!  ;-)

Following on to Amy's suggestions, how about if we use the following 
guidelines for key words in our culling?

1.  Character names -- all students go by first name.  All adults go 
by last, except for where this would be confusing (Weasleys, 

So it's Draco, Neville, Harry and Ron.  But their fathers are 
Malfoy, Longbottom, James and Arthur.  Their mothers are Narcissa, 
Mrs. Longbottom, Lily and Molly.  

Common sense should hold sway here, of course.  Obviously there is a 
Crouch Sr and a Crouch Jr.  A post about teenaged Riddle should be 
keyed to "Voldemort."  And so forth.

2.  Animals and magical creatures should be referred to by name 
(Erroll, Winky) unless discussed generically (owls, house elves).

3.  Spells should be referred to by the incantation, if any.  So 
"Accio" instead of summoning charm; "Priori Incantantem" for "Wand 
Order." Spells can be shortened to the first word, so just 
"Wingardium."  Use the common name where there is no incantation.

4.  Please catalogue contests/puzzles and results under "Contest."  
Skip ADMINs.

5.  For SHIPping, TBAY and FF, please use the prefix and other key 
words depending on canon point, such as "H/H."

6.  For literary theory, I don't think there's a good way to nail 
things down very well, so do your best (Foreshadowing, Deux ex 
Machina, Criticism.)  For literary comparisons, perhaps "Narnia" and 
"LoTR" and "Prydain."  Let's mark these posts using "Theory" as one 
of the key words.

7.  For word origins, meaning and pronunciation, how about 

Does that work?  Have I left anything out?


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