Rant From IrritatingInterferer!Derannimer

Dicentra spectabilis dicentra at xmission.com
Tue Aug 19 17:33:43 UTC 2003

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com, "derannimer" <susannahlm at y...> wrote:

> Yes, I know that I am *tremendously* biased in Cindy's favor; and I 
> *don't* know all of what went on; and I am bearing in mind the 
> *possibility* that there was some hideously dark misdeed she 
> committed to warrant such treatment...

You want to see the smoking gun, right?  Well, I'll tell you, in as
unbiased a way as I can, what the deal is.

Cindy was Ousted from the Mod group on the suspicion that she was
staging a coup d'etat.  Six of the Mods believed that she was
attempting to hound Penny out of the Mod group, thus to become the new
List Mom.  A secondary suspicion was that she had become mentally
unstable.  They believed that they had reached a point where ejecting
her was their only choice.  Elkins disagreed with them both on Cindy's
motives and on the course of action.

As for what went on in MEG, I cannot say why people voted the way they
did.  I imagine each person had a different reason.  

When she asked to return, a few MEGs reacted strongly against it right
off the bat.  A lengthy discussion ensued with much disagreement and
many diverging viewpoints.  A few felt that the very fact that we were
having such a discussion indicated that Cindy was a disruptive
influence even when she wasn't on MEG; therefore, her presence on MEG
would be disruptive.

Other thoughts expressed by some MEGs were that she is a loose cannon,
that she would cause disruptions by agitating for changes not wanted
by the group at large, that she would act unilaterally and
independently of the group, that we would have to spend too much time
and energy keeping her under control.  A few feel that Cindy is
unbalanced or untrustworthy.

Other opinions given were that Cindy had left under the assumption
that she would be allowed to return, and that because there was no
policy set when she left, it would be wrong of us to up and change the
policy now.  Some observed that we really could use an extra hand with
MEG duties, and Cindy is an experienced admin.  Others genuinely did
not want *any* of the ex-Mods to return.

Amanda says, of the MEG decision: "Suffice it to say that it was NOT
personal."  For some of the MEGs it was not; for others it was, and
that applies to both those who voted for and against her return.  I
would be hard-pressed to say who fits in which category nor do I know
how many people voted for personal reasons.  I have no way to make
those kinds of distinctions.  I am no Legilimens. 

Amanda also said, "Cindy is not a pariah in anyone's mind but her
own."  I don't know if this is entirely correct.  I get the impression
from some of the comments on MEG that a few of them would not
associate with Cindy unless ordered to do so by God Himself.  Those
MEGs are not in the majority, BTW.

Like Amanda, I'm also tired of people making assumptions.  MEG is an
extremely diverse group, all of us motivated by different things, all
of us seeing things differently.  We were forced to choose a single
option.  The vote was what it was.  What it means with regard to
anyone's personal opinion of Cindy is impossible to tell, so it's not
a good idea to speculate.  

I'd like to assert that this isn't the forum to debate whether the
Mods were right about Cindy nor whether their course of action was
correct nor whether MEG perceptions about Cindy are correct nor
whether the decision to deny her re-entry was correct.  The chips have
fallen as they have; it's now time to move on.  Please.

--Dicentra, who hopes that Amanda will stick out this Latest MEG
Eruption because we need her

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