[HP4GU-FAQ] Re: Fantastic Post Flagging & Governance and Autonomy
Susannah Myers
susannahlm at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 21 16:05:17 UTC 2003
Cindy wrote:
> So can we just elect some leaders, see if
> MEG will accept them, and
> then get back to work?
And then Heidi wrote:
> Yes, I wish you'd just cut to the chase without
> the lengthy discourse on
> your view of the various failings of MEG over the
> years, but I agree with
> your final end conclusion, Cindy.
Well. . . although she could hardly just say: "We need
a benign dictatorship and not a democracy" without
*some* explanation, could she? How would *that* have
come across? (Besides, those who do not remember the
past. . .)
But yeah. I agree with the end conclusion too.
Amanda wrote:
> I'm not sure I do. If there's any list that seems to
> operate well by
> consensus, it's this one (at least, when we're
> *active*). We are a focused
> list with one purpose: comb the main list posts for
> candidates for
> inclusion; compile FAQs. When there's questions
> about how to do something,
> we discuss. It works.
> About the only thing I think we'd need to elect is a
> representative to MEG,
> if you want to start doing "status reports" or
> anything.
*No!* Nonononono! I *need* a benign dictator!
I'm with Heidi and Cindy on this one. Either FAQ
should have a BD, or the working house teams should
each have a Head of House, or *something.* There has
to be some kind of centralized authority -- to kick
people when they procrastinate, to help out us *still*
very confused newbies, to make judgement calls when
they need to be made. Anyway, if I don't have someone
in authority over me, I will procrastinate from here
until kingdom *come.* [1] If we don't have some kind
of centralized authority, I will either want my own
*personal* dictator, or you will want to kick me off
the list, because I won't be getting very much done.
And, while I frankly doubt that anyone here
procrastinates to the extent that I do, I surely can't
be the only one with *some* issues that way. And
leaders are useful for procrastinators.
> I *so* don't want to get into another governance
> discussion on another list.
> When we're working on FAQs, it *works.* Let's not
> get derailed yet again.
Actually, this entire discussion is something of a
case in point -- if we had a leader, we wouldn't *get*
bogged down in governmental decisions, because one
individual would just make those calls. And it does
seem likely that governmental decisions will resurface
again at some point -- when they do, will we have any
more of a structure to handle them than we do now?
I dunno. Maybe I'm just a creature of structure, but I
think that things here are just sort of. . .
*chaotic,* as is. I'm not very good at coping with
those sorts of situations -- I'm never sure what I'm
supposed to be doing, and so I never get very much
[1] "I've been living my life for a long time. I know
how it works." -- Rincewind the Wizzard, Terry
Pratchett's _The Last Hero_.
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