[HP4GU-FAQ] "And How Are We Feeling Today?"

eloiseherisson at aol.com eloiseherisson at aol.com
Sat Jan 4 14:57:04 UTC 2003

> *A Pledge Drive!*
> That's right, the FAQ list's Inaugural Pledge Drive! <>
> OK, I will go first.  In January, I will catalogue *1000* additional 
> messages!
> <waits for excited murmuring to die down>
> Who's next?  One at a time, folks, one at a time.  Don't everyone 
> try to go at once!  ;-)
I don't usually make New Year resolutions, but as it happened I had decided 
that it was time to take control of my life and that part of that would be to 
do some course work *and* some cataloguing every day (rather than constantly 
feeling guilty about whichever I wasn't doing - frequently both!)

With that in mind.......I'd paused halfway through a block. I'll finish that 
one and commit myself to another 500. If I find I can do more, I will. 

Are you going to allocate these? There was only one unclaimed block last time 
I looked. Are we going to share some of the ones that are taking longer to 
finish or that people have put on hold to do other things? 

Trying very hard to look excited at the prospect.
And thinking that Dicey should just go with parricide (I don't think we ever 
did come to a consensus).

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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