Lost key word & Excel Issues

dicentra63 <dicentra@xmission.com> dicentra at xmission.com
Wed Jan 22 19:31:08 UTC 2003

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at yahoogroups.com, eloiseherisson at a... wrote:
> But couldn't someone <looks innocently in the direction of She Who
Has Just 
> Been Named> just upload the sorted version of the whole lot so that
> just there for every one to scroll through?

I've been thinking about creating a master spreadsheet of everything
that has been done to date, but the done stuff would have to be correct.

--Dicey, whose boss just walked in and said she's getting dangerously
close to not working minimal hours to get insurance and so suddenly
finds her time harshly curtailed.  And who is just now going down for
a nap.

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