[HP4GU-FAQ] Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About You
Morgan D.
morgan_d_yyh at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 5 02:21:15 UTC 2003
> It occurred to me that what we have here is a group of people who
> don't know each other very well. Heck, I had no idea Charis Julia
> is in Greece, Morgan is in Brazil, and Abigail is in Israel. I kind
> of assumed they were all in Peoria or something. ;-)
Peoria... Peoria...
*checks encyclopaedia*
...Illinois, USA?
Nope. Never been there. At all. Never been anywhere in the North
hemisphere, for that matter.
Anyway, time to properly introduce myself:
> Real name:
Not telling, sorry. Constant vigilance, you know.
> Also known as:
Morgan D.
> Age/Sex:
> Birthplace/Livingplace:
Brazil Southeast.
> Family Life:
Single, sharing a house with my sister after my parents moved out ^__^
Yeah, we kinda inverted the usual pattern.
Unique. ^_~
>Words friends have used to describe you:
Opinionated, articulate, affectionate, bad loser, holds grudges for
>Words you have used to describe you:
Too honest for my own good, nonsensical, too clinging and dependent,
awful loser, and what do you mean by "forgive and forget"?
>Things you do when not staring at the computer:
Sing with a madrigal, sing by myself, watch anime, read manga, write.
>Comfort foods:
Croissants, peach juice, ice cream, brigadeiros (Brazilian sweet)
Graduated in Cinema. Working as webdesigner.
>Language skills
Portuguese (first language)
Spanish (because it's very similar to Portuguese, I have no problem
understanding it, but I can't speak or write in it)
Japanese (studying seriously since 2001)
>Technical know-how:
Html and stuff, of course. I can weld a wire and change a tyre if I
need to. And I can cook and sew and make tapestries... ^__^
>Favourite HP book:
GoF. Because it was the only one I completely failed to guess the plot.
>Favourite HP character(s):
>Favourite HP line
"Oh, he's not unbalanced. He's just suffered a severe disappointment."
>Watching/Avoiding the HP movies?:
Watching, not liking them, but then I've always despised Chris
Columbus' works. I'm looking forward checking Cuarn's input.
>Into HP fanfiction?
As a reader, I keep desperately looking for good, canonical fics
portraying Sirius and Harry's parent/child relationship -- it's
*really* hard to find any.
As a writer, I'm one of the minds behind the Hogwarts Letters project
(fanfiction composed of letters exchanged between several characters).
>Books you'd recommend to just about anyone:
Douglas Adams' "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series.
>Favorite TV shows?
"Quantum Leap". And anime, lots and lots of anime.
>Favorite movies:
The "Star Wars" original trilogy, Milos Forman's "Amadeus", Yasujiro
Ozu's "Ohayou", Sidney Lumet's "Twelve Angry Men" and "Deathtrap", Nick
Park's "The Wrong Trousers".
>One thing about your life you'd change if you could you may not
>say "lose weight."
I'd spend all my days writing and singing, not caring about ridiculous
stuff like working and making money...
>One thing about your life you wouldn't change even for an advance
>copy of Book 7:
Just one? Hmmm... My goose-feathered quilt. (Actually, I *don't* think
I want an advance copy of Book 7.)
>Philosophy for an easy life:
When you give someone a hug, make it warm and tight; when you give
someone a kiss, make it sweet and scorching; when you give someone a
kick in the arse, use your hardest boot, with poisoned steel thorns on
the toe.
>How you found HPfGU:
Through my sister, who stumbled on the Fantastic Posts page while
looking for info about Snape. ^___^
>Active at other HP sites:
Hogwarts Letters.
>Your most rock solid OoP prediction:
No Weasley will die. (And I won't see as much of Sirius as I want and
need to.)
>Members of the fandom you have personally met:
Gomes Moor, ptyx666... and I once talked to Theresa Ann Wymer on the
phone, does that count? ^__^
>Add a question of your choosing and answer it:
<Did you try to resist the HP fever at first, wondering why people were
making such a fuss about a bunch of kiddie books?>
Yep. I was utterly *shocked* when my mother asked the books for
Christmas in 2001. My own mother, giving in to this pathetic fad...
Horror of horrors...
> <Something you'd do over if you had the chance:>
Fly on a balloon.
> <If one wish could be granted you, would you choose a benefit for
> yourself or for someone else?>
For myself. I wouldn't dream of deciding what is best to someone else.
Morgan D.
Hogwarts Letters - http://www.hogwartsletters.hpg.com.br
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