Brainstorming Organizational Issues and What Are We?

Cindy C. cindysphynx at
Tue Jun 10 22:23:35 UTC 2003

Tom wrote:

<an excellent summary of how we might get things accomplished of how 
we might get organized>

I had an idea today that might work nicely with what Tom wrote:

> Through the progress reports, we can ensure total participation and 
> input from everyone without having too many people involved 
> specifically on one topic.

Yup, progress reports are good, and I like the Team Captain (or Co-
Captain) concept, too.

Last time around, I think we hit a stumbling block once it was time 
to write.  People started working on their FPs, and we kind of lost 
touch with each other.  So having small teams off working in separate 
corners isn't so great.

On the other hand, trying to have each small group communicate about 
and discuss everything they're working on right here on the FP list 
would drive list volume through the roof.  And there's the "too many 
cooks" problem.

So how about this model?  We have, say, four teams working on four 
FPs.  When team members want to communicate about anything concerning 
their FP, they do so here in plain view on the FAQ list.  Posting 
outlines, drafts, whatever.  

But each team would have a name.  (Maybe even Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, 
Slytherin and Gryffindor.)  When they post about their team's work, 
they could use a prefix.  So if I were on Slytherin, and I wanted to 
ask confer with my teammates Ali, Tom and Derannimer about an outline 
I had drafted for the Harry FP, then I'd post under a subject 
header:  "SLYTHERIN:  Harry FP Rulebreaking Outline."

That way, anyone with time to read everything can do so.  Those 
without time can easily skip based on the prefixes and just keep up 
with what their own team is doing.  Those who aren't moving very fast 
will see that other teams are working like house elves.  And we'll be 
able to send free agents to help any team that is struggling or 
falling behind.   

Just a thought.

Cindy -- who would cackle loudly each time she saw the "SQUIB" prefix

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