SLYTH: DE's, Aurors, and Justice
Cindy C.
cindysphynx at
Fri Jun 13 21:52:24 UTC 2003
Hey, fellow *Slyths!*
Why do I get the feeling that the "Slyths" on the FAQ list are *dead
sexy?* With a lisp. :-D
> <Derannimer squints up at her subject heading>
> D'you like the prefix?
Abbreviated prefixes work for me!
> Yeah. You know, after looking ? albeit rather briefly ? at the
>existing "Government" FAQ, I really do think that they ought to be
>combined somehow.
Maybe, maybe.
Now, I must admit that I haven't read Debbie/Porphyria's outline they
posted a few months back. But I think we might want to just
including as much discussion of MoM and governance as we want and
need, and then drop links to the existing Government FP. I haven't
studied the Government FP as closely as I probablys should, but I
imagine it does and should concern itself with comparisons of MoM
with the British government and other RL forms of governance.
Anyway, I agree that it isn't really possible to discuss justice and
aurors without touching on MoM, but there's quite a lot to the
Government FP that concerns other matters ("International
Confederation of Wizards").
Uh, did that make sense?
>I imagine that we're going to be massively
> expanding our "Government" FAQ as it is, as it is
> A: Quite out-of-date
> and
> B: Likely to be utterly swamped by OOP.
> (I really, really think there's gonna be a *lot* of Ministry stuff
>in OOP)
Oh, I agree. I wouldn't be surprised if there is no MoM at all by
the end of OoP. But that suggests to me that the Government FP
should be separate and expanded rather than folded into the
DEs/Aurors/Justice FP.
<snip Derannimer's idea of expanding the database to include pre- vs.
post-OoP columns and houses that post might be relevant for>
Hmmmm. I'd defer to Debbie on this one as our Database Diva, but I
would think that the message number would tell us whether the post
pre-dates OoP.
On including a column on the appropriate house, maybe. Some topics
won't yet have houses (if I see a killer post on Hermione, I would
add it but I would have to leave the "house" column blank). Er, I'm
straddling the fence. Sorry.
> Or maybe the houses should just have their own databases to bung
>things into. Or something.
Maybe, but the advantage of having just one database for killer posts
is that folks who aren't in a house (our tech folks, for instance)
won't easily remember which house is doing what and might be
frustrated by trying to sort out what post works for what FP.
> Am I making any sense at all here?
Of course you are! I'm really glad we're using our remaining 7 pre-
OoP days so effectively. Let's keep brainstorming.
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