ADMIN: Useful links for new members (reminder for the old hands)

Neil Ward neilward at ...
Wed Apr 4 22:53:12 UTC 2001

A very warm welcome to any new members!  Here Be Magic.

Also, here be another run through some useful links for the lost, confused
or curious among us. Why not save this file and enjoy it over and over
again?  <g>


Very Frequently Asked Questions (plus some non frequent things).  Every new
member should read this before posting a thing and everyone else should find
the info useful:

Netiquette tips.  It's important that everyone reads this from time to time.
Many of the points we make are designed to make messages easier to read or
to help guide members through the vast ocean of messages posted every day.
We are also evil and power crazy and you WILL do our bidding:

The Portkey - a quick way to be in the right place at the right time. Links
to our various sister groups and club areas and other, recommended HP clubs
for adults:

Guide to shorthand and slang terms.  Don't know your LOL from your IIRC?
Never heard of FITD or OBHWF?  Then look here:

Announcements list - any *news* or information on *new* things or
corrections of either (i.e. not a discussion list - post your responses on
the main list or on OT Chatter).  Info here:

OT Chatter.  Discussion of anything off-topic, the occasional food fight,
but also a few borderline HP topics, such as those listed here:

The Mod Squad
hpforgrownups-owner at

Flying Ford Anglia
Mechanimagus Moderator (revving up)

"Krum, his red robes shining with blood from his nose,
was rising gently into the air, his fist held high, a glint
of gold in his hand." ["The Quidditch World Cup", GoF]

Check out Very Frequently Asked Questions for everything
to do with this club:

More information about the HPFGU-Announcements archive