ADMIN: X-POST: Logo competition winner

Neil Ward neilward at ...
Thu Apr 5 04:48:02 UTC 2001

Dear Members,

Apologies to those of you on e-mail setting, who will have received my
impromptu announcement of the winner of our logo competition (ahem -
intended for the Moderators only), and apologies to Rebecca for revealing
that she fell for John's April Fool (she wasn't alone there, I guess).  I'm
a bit like Liz Taylor, trying to open the golden envelope and announce the
winner before I've read the nominations.  It was lack of sleep.... hit the
wrong button...zzzzzzz

Anyway, those of you who were checking the competition poll will have
noticed that No.10 - the groovy purple Sorting Hat - was well in the lead
and we can now reveal that it was indeed the winner!!!

Huge thanks to all the other entrants.

For those of you on webview only, the winner was Rebecca Yoo, a website
designer from Michigan, who has a really nice website at (since she doesn't win anything, I will take
the liberty of giving her website a plug <g>)

You can expect to see the logo popping up in an HPfGU area near you, very

Thank you and goodnight (actually, good morning, as it's 5.45am in the UK)


Mechanimagus Moderator (ignition on)

"Krum, his red robes shining with blood from his nose,
was rising gently into the air, his fist held high, a glint
of gold in his hand." ["The Quidditch World Cup", GoF]

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