Like Fanfiction? You'll LOVE!

John Walton john at ...
Sun Jul 22 18:47:48 UTC 2001

F i c t i o n A l l e y . o r g

If you tap on the third brick to the left of the web, or type in, you will be portkeyed right to the newest
fanfiction and fanart site in the HP Fandom -- and we hope it's the most
comprehensive site too. The section of FictionAlley contains
some of the best novel-length fanfiction on offer, from many of your
favorite authors.

F i c t i o n A l l e y . o r g

FictionAlley features fanfics by talented authors - and among the grand
opening offerings are a new chapter of Draco Sinister from Cassandra Claire
and a brand new PoUniverse cookie from Lori Summers.

S c h n o o g l e . c o m

Dictionaria Potterica Fandomia:
"Schnoogle" (sh-NOO-gl): Anything from a hug to an all-on-snogfest.

Click on Schnoogle when you get to FictionAlley and you'll see a list of all
the authors we feature. And more authors are joining every day -- if you
want to see your fics on, visit the Submission Guidelines at
the site or join and
read the guidelines in the Files section --

S c h n o o g l e . c o m

FictionAlley has review boards,
ChapterOwls, message boards and Professor McG's Fanfic Primer...take a
stroll and pick up some fanfics - only seven sickles an ounce.

S c h n o o g l e . c o m   &   F i c t i o n A l l e y . o r g
 -- i t ' s  j u s t  g o o d .

John Walton -- Crazy Ivan
ivan at ...

=|, part of the community |=
* high-quality novel-length fanfiction from some of your favorite authors
* talk to the authors using messageboards

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