ADMIN: Calling a halt to HP and the Bible

John Walton john at ...
Tue Jul 24 01:57:19 UTC 2001

Folks, I'm as much to blame as anyone for helping to restart this thread; I
find it interesting so I'm therefore sad that its mere mention seems to
generate such negative feelings among listmembers. This is, after all,
supposed to be a forum for adults to discuss things relating to the
PotterVerse in an adult manner, without recourse to name-calling. I've
looked back among the Abanes Saga posts and am surprised (and a little
embarrassed) to find that the heat was actually much higher than I felt at
the time. But what can I say, I'm a debater :)

Therefore, in the spirit of list harmony, the Moderators have decided to
call a halt to this posting thread, and to caution our membership away from
the subject in general. It's something about which a majority of our list
members -- regardless of their spiritual or religious persuasions, or the
absences thereof -- feel very strongly, and the likelihood of compromise on
such a topic is therefore reduced.

If you are interested in the topic, please feel free to scan back in the
Messages section; you are, of course, welcome to email me personally about
my opinions (and I'm pretty sure that goes for most of the people who posted
as well). However, I emphasize again, there is currently an ixnay on posting
about this topic to *any* of the HPforGrownups lists (including OTChatter).

Please feel free to email all the Moderators
(hpforgrownups-owner at or just John (john at ...) to voice
your thoughts.

Yours, for the Magical Moderators,

--John Walton


John ^.^ Crazy Ivan

HPforGrownups Magical Moderator With Rock #47
hpforgrownups-owner at

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